Abstract: Most introductory quantum physics instructors would agree that transitioning students from classical to quantum thinking is an important learning goal, but may disagree on whether or how this can be accomplished. Although (and perhaps because) physicists have long debated the interpretation of quantum theory, many instructors choose to avoid emphasizing interpretive themes; or they discuss the views of scientists but do not adequately attend to student interpretations. This paper provides evidence-based arguments for an instructional approach that explicitly integrates the physical interpretation of quantum mechanics into introductory modern physics courses. In this synthesis and extension of prior work, we demonstrate: (1) instructors vary in their approaches to teaching interpretive themes; (2) specific instructional approaches can have significant impacts on student thinking; (3) when student interpretations go unattended, they often develop their own (sometimes scientifically undesirable) views; and (4) explicit and consistent discussions of interpretive themes can help students to develop more sophisticated perspectives, more accurate notions of uncertainty, and greater interest in quantum physics.
Keywords: physics education research, quantum mechanics, interpretation.
PACS: 01.40.Fk, 01.40.Ha, 03.65-w