Physics 2140 - Administrative Information

Fall 1995

Physics 2140 is designed to teach students various mathematical tools they will need in their future courses in physics and other natural sciences. Physical applications of mathematical concepts will be used whenever possible. Analytical and calculational skills, and problem solving will be stressed throughout. Part of the course will be to learn to use Mathematica, a powerful, general purpose software system/language which is currently widely used (and very useful!) in the physics community

Here is a complete syllabus, with timetable.

Here is current class information , including homework assignments, etc.

Physics 2140: Methods of Theoretical Physics

Professor: Steven J. Pollock

Phone: 492-2495


Office: F419 in the Gamow Tower

Office Hours (tentative): Tues. 3:15-5, or any time by appointment.
(Mon. 2-3:45 are my Phys 1120 office hrs. You can try then, but must be patient!)

Grader: Villella

Computer Help: Jamie Williams, email: James.E.Williams@Colorado.EDU
Jamie's office hours
: MWF 10-10:50, 3-4

Lectures: MWF 12-12:50 PM in Duane G-125

(NOTE: There will be an introductory session held in the NeXT lab, G-0060a, on Wed, Sept. 6, 12-12:50, in lieu of a regular lecture.)


Required: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (2nd Ed), Mary Boas (The primary text - a fine book which will be a useful reference to you in the future as well.) On reserve in the Physics Library.

Mathematica: A Practical Approach, Nancy Blachman

Recommended: Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, (2nd Ed), Stephen Wolfram. (A reference manual, especially useful if you plan on using Mathematica after this course)

Also suggested: Div, Grad, Curl and all that, H.M. Schey. (Worth reading, and useful as a source of extra examples.) On reserve in the physics library.

Math. Methods for Physicists, G. Arfken. (advanced)

Methods of Theoretical Physics , P.M. Morse and H. Feshbach (advanced)

All You Wanted to Know About Mathematics but were afraid to ask , Louis Lyons. (2 volumes)

The final grade weighting for this course will be approximately:

Problem sets: 30-35%

Quizzes: 5-10%

Mathematica Quiz: 5%

Mid Terms: 15% each => 30%

Final Exam: 25%

Required Work: Problem sets are an absolutely essential part of this class. No one questions that playing a musical instrument or playing a sport well requires repetition of exercises carefully designed to increase skill. The study of physics is not so different! One problem set will be assigned every week, (usually) on Wednesdays, due at the start of class the following Wed. Because solutions will be posted, late homeworks can not be accepted. Direct copying of other people's solutions is strictly forbidden, but collaborative work and discussions while you are studying are fine, and in fact encouraged.

My solutions to homeworks will be posted by my office, with one copy in the math-physics library. These may be borrowed briefly for photocopying. (Please be considerate of your classmates) My solutions for Mathematica problems will also be posted outside the NeXT lab, G0060a.

Quizzes and Exams:

Short quizzes will be given during lectures roughly every 2-3 weeks.

Tentative quiz dates: Fridays, Sept. 8, 22, Oct. 13, 27, Nov. 17.

Exams are scheduled for:

Tuesday evening, Sept. 26 7:30 PM, Duane G-125

Tuesday evening, Oct. 31 7:30 PM, Duane G-125

Mathematica quiz: Tues. evening, Nov. 21, 7:30 PM, Duane 0060a (NeXT Lab)

Final: Tuesday, Dec. 19, 3:30-6:30, Duane G-125

Web Access: This class has a page on the world wide web:

Copies of the homework assignments and late announcements will appear there, and occasionally extra credit homework problems as well! Accessible from this page, or from any news reader, we also have a special newsgroup "" . I encourage you to post questions, comments, and ideas there. Use common sense (posting your h.w. solutions before the set is due is clearly not in your best interest!) But, feel free to discuss the homework on the newsgroup (or in study groups), as long as you always generate your final solutions by yourself. If you have a specific question for me, you're better off emailing me directly, as I check email more often than I read the newsgroup.

Accounts for the NeXT lab: Computer accounts will be set up for every student in the NeXT lab located in Duane 0060a. An application/policy form must be read and completed for the accounts to be activated. (You are also welcome to use home computers, if you have Mathematica 2.0) On or before Wed., Sept. 6, I will pass out cards with your account name, door key-code to the lab, and your password for the NeXT computers. Homeworks will usually contain several problems using Mathematica.

Drop-Add deadlines: Between Sept. 8 and Oct. 11, you may withdraw with my permission. After Oct. 11, you may drop only by petitioning your dean. (Before Sept. 13, no W appears on your transcript)

Reading Assignments: The following syllabus describes the material which will be covered in this course. Reading the textbook (Boas) before class is highly encouraged. It will allow you to concentrate on understanding the lecture, instead of taking lots of notes and trying to make sense of them later...

Go to the Physics 2140 home page

Go to Prof. Pollock's home page.

Go to the Physics Department's home page.
