Phys 2140, Exam 1: Tue Sept. 26, 7:30-9 PM, G-125

You may bring in a normal 8.5 x11 sheet of paper, with your own notes written on one  side only. Please hand your note sheet in along with the exam. (I'll return it to you.)

Material will be primarily from Boas Chapters 3-6. Look at your syllabus for more details. Exam 1 will cover all of syllabus sections 1 and 2.

Below are a few sample Boas problems with each topic. These are NOT required by any means - but if you feel shaky on a topic, try the problems. (If you still feel shaky, try more!)

I included references to Schey's "Div, grad, curl and all that" (2nd edition) - available at the bookstore, and also as a reference book in the physics library. Again, not required reading by any means, but possibly a useful alternative perspective.

1. Equations of lines and planes, angles between planes, etc. Know how those equations were constructed. (E.g., Boas problems 3.5.8, 3.5.18, 3.5.33)

2. Vector algebra, including triple products (3.4.22, 6.3.1, 6.3.7, 6.3.17)

3. Graphs and derivatives of vector functions, including vector functions given in polar coords. (6.4.5, 6.4.8) (Schey, Chapter I, 1st 2 sections)

4. Partial differentiation (4.1.1, 4.1.3)

5. Directional derivatives and gradients (Also in polar) (6.6.7, 6.6.9, 6.6.17, 6.12.13) (Schey, Chapter IV, can skip E-fields and Laplace's equation)

6. Work, potentials, and the connection to conservative forces (6.8.8, 6.8.18, 6.12.18) (Schey, Ch. III, first 3 sections, pp. 62-74)

Any additional material from class lectures and homeworks is also fair game. I generally consider those things which I spent time deriving or proving to be important, and you might be expected to be able to sketch those derivations/proofs.