Info on WWW, and a suggested assignment. This class has a home page, located at Here is information on how to look at it. Many terminals around campus are set up to run "netscape'', or ``Mosaic'', either of which can be used. They should have local documentation, and I won't explain how to use them any further, except to say that once you have them running, you must select (through a pull down menu) "Open location" or ``Open URL", and then type in the horrible address above. After that, it's point and click all the way. The program "lynx'' can be run even from a slow modem, or with a dumb terminal, on most of the CNS machines (including UCSU), but it won't allow you to view equations in my homeworks (or any cool graphics on other sites). Just type "lynx", then "g" (for goto) and then the address above. For the NeXT's in the basement, there are two options, OmniWeb or Mosaic. From the usual startup file viewer, click on the computer name at the left (famous physicist) to go to your "root" directory. Then go into the folder "Classes", then ``Physics_2140". There you will find "OmniWeb". You can bring this to your dock. Clicking on it starts up a Next-based web browser. Unfortunately, we only have a single license, which means at any given time, only one person can use it! The other alternative, much better, is to use Mosaic, which is a bit more complicated the first time through, but will be better in the long run. Go back to /Classes/Physics_2140, and you will also see an application called Co-Xist. You should bring this to your dock as well. Do this now. You also need to bring some "hidden files" into your home directory (not your dock). You only need to do this once. They are located in a subdirectory of /Classes/Physics_2140 called Mosaic_Stuff. If you don't see anything in there, it's because they're hidden! You must go to the preferences program (in the dock, it has a little calendar/clock type icon, usually 2nd from top) and move over to Unix preferences (second to last), and click on "Unix Expert'' Go back to the Mosaic_Stuff folder (just click on a window to bring it to the foreground), where you should now see a bunch of hidden files (like ".mwmrc" and other such things). With the mouse, hold down the button and "sweep'' across them all, so they are all highlighted. Click and hold the mouse on any one of them, and (continuing to hold down the mouse) move the whole selected group up to the icon of your "home" in the far upper left, and release. Hopefully, this will copy all these files into your home. (If you get error messages about writing over files, it should be o.k) Check that it worked, by going to your home directory (click on the house) and you should see these new files there. Logoff and *restart* your whole session. Now, all you ever have to do from now on is double click on Co-XIst (which you should by now have put on your dock- it has an icon that looks like a tilted X), and up will come a window. Wait a second, and Mosaic should appear. (If a corner is obscured by other menus, hold down the mouse in the bar at the top and slide to move it around) No-credit but strongly suggested homework assignment: If you have your own home page, or want to show off an especially cool one you've found to the class, post a message giving its address to cu.classes.phys2140, which is found from my home page by clicking on "News, Questions, Comments, Discussion - from you". When you post, please be sure you include your name in your message! If you've found a typo in any of my 2140 home pages, post a message telling about it. If you have a suggestion or comment for the class, or a question you think other students might be able to answer, post it! Take a look at the newsgroup - if someone else has already posted a question you can answer, or a comment you'd like to respond to, do that! If you really can't think of anything at all to say to the class, and you've never done so before, you could email me a brief personal message. (There are various places on my home pages which say "email me" - just click on one) At the very least, include your name, and some brief comment relating to all this 'net stuff. Have fun!