Phys 2170, Exam 1: Thur, Feb. 22 7:30-9 PM, Muen-E417

The exam will be closed book. However, you may bring in a normal 8.5 x11 sheet of paper, with your own notes hand written on one side only. Please turn your note sheet in along with the exam. (I'll return it to you.)

Material will be primarily from F+T Ch. 1 and the beginning of Ch. 2, as well as class notes, and Beiser Ch. 2, 4, and the beginning of Ch. 3. Look at your syllabus for more details. Exam 1 will cover syllabus sections 1 and 2, plus the first 2 lines of section 3 (up through de Broglie waves, and phase/group velocities)

To review for the exam, besides studying class notes, and your homeworks, you will probably find that problems from Beiser on the topics we have covered are excellent practice. (There are several copies of Beiser on reserve in the physics library, if you haven't bought one yourself)

Any additional material from class lectures is also fair game. I generally consider those things that I spent time deriving, discussing, or proving to be important, and you might be expected to be able to sketch those derivations/experiments/proofs.