Phys 2170, Exam 2: Thur, Mar 21 7:30-9 PM

Like last time, the exam will be closed book. However, you may bring in a normal 8.5 x11 sheet of paper, with your own notes hand written on one side only. Please turn your note sheet in along with the exam. (I'll return it to you.)

Material will be primarily from F+T Ch. 2 and 3, as well as class notes (Beiser Ch. 3, and most of ch. 5). Look at your syllabus for more details. The exam will cover all of syllabus section 3 and most of 4, up through finite square wells. (Material on qualitative wave functions will be on the exam, but we'll save quantitative aspects of finite square wells and the harmonic oscillator for the final)

Material from the beginning of the course is fair game, although this exam will certainly emphasize new material, beginning with de Broglie waves. Any material from class lectures is also possible. I generally consider those things that I spent time deriving, discussing, or proving to be important, and you might be expected to be able to sketch those derivations/experiments/proofs.