Quantum Mechanics II, Physics 4410, Spring 98

My lecture notes will be photocopied, and made available in the Math/Phys library, and also outside my office. Here, I have provided a brief (usually one line) reminder of the highlights of each lecture. Please let me know if you think this is of any use, feedback is welcome!

Brief summary of lectures

Gas. Ch. 14

Lecture 1:
Mon, Jan 12, 1998
Introduction, discussion of syllabus. Review of quantum 1.

Lecture 2:
Wed, Jan 14, 1998
Finish review of 3220: angular momentum, and matrices. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix equations. Introduce the idea of "matrix mechanics".

Lecture 3:
Fri, Jan 16, 1998
Conversion of "Schrodinger wave mechanics" to "Heisenberg matrix mechanics". Operators as matrices. Examples from harmonic oscillator, and (set up) angular momentum.

Mon, Jan 19, 1998
(No lecture, MLK day)

Lecture 4:
Wed, Jan 21, 1998
Angular momentum as a matrix. Lz, raising and lowering operators, for l=1. Introduction to spin. Spin 1/2 matrices, Pauli matrices.

Lecture 5:
Fri, Jan 23, 1998
Eigenvalues and vectors of spin, in x, y, and z directions. Notation and interpretation of arbitary spinors (in Sz basis) The expansion theorem for spinors. (Intro to Stern-Gerlach)

Lecture 6:
Mon, Jan 26, 1998
Magnetic fields, magnetic moments, spin precession. g factor of electron. Intro to Stern Gerlach.
Quote of the day: It was a little over fifty years ago that George Uhlenbeck and I introduced the concept of spin... It is therefore not surprising that most young physicists do not know that spin had to be introduced. They think that it was revealed in Genesis, or perhaps postulated by Sir Isaac Newton, which most young physicists consider to about simultaneous. Samuel Goudsmit, address to the American Physical Society, Feb. '76.

Lecture 7:
Wed, Jan 28, 1998
More on S-G: decomposition of states, the uncertainty principle, Copenhagen interpretation. Intro to paramagnetic resonance - semiclassical discussion.

Lecture 8:
Fri, Jan 30, 1998
Paramagnetic resonance - formalism (setup) and results. Discussion of more general 2 state systems. Wrap up Ch. 14.
Gas. Ch. 15

Lecture 9:
Mon, Feb 02, 1998
System of two spin 1/2 objects. Total angular momentum operators, adding spin. Singlets and triplets.

Lecture 10:
Wed, Feb 04, 1998
S^2 operator and the dot product S1.S2. Different bases for "microscopic" or "total" states.

Lecture 11:
Fri, Feb 06, 1998
Addition of more general angular momenta. Introduction to Clebsh Gordon coefficients.

Lecture 12:
Mon, Feb 09, 1998
Examples with Clebsh Gordon coefficients.

Lecture 13:
Wed, Feb 11, 1998
Discussion of angular momentum, more examples with Clebsh Gordon coefficients.

Lecture 14:
Fri, Feb 13, 1998
Parity and exchange/identical particles.

Lecture 15:
Mon, Feb 16, 1998
Example of Parity and exchange/identical particles - intrinsic parity. Brief intro to perturbation theory.

Lecture 16:
Wed, Feb 18, 1998
Answer questions/review for exam. (+ More intro to pert th)
Gas. Ch. 16

Lecture 17:
Fri, Feb 20, 1998
Perturbation theory. Examples, first order PT

Lecture 18:
Mon, Feb 23, 1998
1st order corrections to wavefunctions, and 2nd order perturbation theory for energy. (More examples)

Lecture 19:
Wed, Feb 25, 1998
Example of 1st and 2nd order pt (Harmonic oscillator in E field) Intro to degenerate perturbation theory.

Lecture 20:
Fri, Feb 27, 1998
Degenerate perturbation theory. Formalism, handy theorem (which allows us to avoid deg. p.t.) and an example (hydrogen ground state in magnetic field)

Lecture 21:
Mon, Mar 2, 1998
Stark effect: hydrogen in E field. Discussion of 1st and 2nd order P.T. on ground state. Calculation of polarizability of hydrogen. Setup (but not solution) of 1st order degenerate p.t. for n=2 levels.

Lecture 22:
Wed, Mar 4, 1998
Stark effect: degenerate p.t. Calculation and discussion of n=2. Discussion of "analytic series" (starts to converge, but ultimately diverges).
Gas. Ch. 17

Lecture 23:
Fri, Mar 6, 1998
Unit analysis for perturbation theory. Introduction to real hydrogen atom. Relativity and fine structure.

Lecture 24:
Mon, Mar 9, 1998
Finish relativity correction, discuss spin orbit coupling in hydrogen.

Lecture 25:
Wed, Mar 11, 1998
Combined spin orbit and relativity - fine structure of hydrogen.

Lecture 26:
Fri, Mar 13, 1998
Zeeman effect, weak and strong field cases.

Lecture 27:
Mon, Mar 16, 1998
Hyperfine effect, 21 cm line.
Gas. Ch. 18

Lecture 28:
Wed, Mar 18, 1998
Intro to Helium. Ignore electron repulsion, and solve exactly. Discuss spectrum, and spin structure: degeneracy and Pauli. Electron repulsion as a perturbation.

Lecture 29:
Fri, Mar 20, 1998
EPR and Bell's inequality.
Spring break

Lecture 30:
Mon, Mar 30, 1998
Helium - effective spin orbit splitting, ortho vs para helium.

Lecture 31:
Wed, Apr 1, 1998
Intro to variational method, + exam questions.

Lecture 32:
Fri, Apr 3, 1998
More variational examples (1D), and then the Helium atom solution via variational method.
Gas Ch. 20

Lecture 33:
Mon, Apr 6, 1998
Finish Helium, look at numbers (discuss ways to improve it.) Introduce molecules, set up H2+ problem.

Lecture 34:
Wed, Apr 8, 1998
Continue with H2+ problem. Discuss molecular vibrations.
(Gas Ch. 19 )

Lecture 35:
Fri , Apr 10, 1998
Finished H2+ with discussion of rotations. Atoms and period table. (Carbon, as example) Quick intro to combining E+M with quantum.
Gas Ch. 13

Lecture 36:
Mon, Apr 13, 1998
Maxwell's equations, gauge invariance, and the quantum Hamiltonian for a charge in E and B fields.

Lecture 37
Wed, Apr 15, 1998
More on gauge invariance, and the quantum Hamiltonian for a charge in E and B fields. (Example)

Lecture 38
Fri, Apr 17, 1998
Aharonov-Bohm effect, and introduction to time dependent perturbation theory.
Gas Ch. 21

Lecture 39
Mon, Apr 20, 1998
Time dependent perturbation theory - formalism.

Lecture 40
Wed, Apr 22, 1998
TDPT - some applications and examples.

Lecture 41
Fri, Apr 24, 1998
Sinusoidal time dependent perturbations, Fermi's Golden Rule.

Lecture 42
Mon, Apr 27, 1998
"A" field corresponding to EM radiation, QED, intro to phase space.

Lecture 43
Wed, Apr 29, 1998
Phase space, application of Fermi's Golden Rule to radiation of hydrogen atom..

Lecture 44
Fri, May 1, 1998
Radiation of hydrogen atom, selection rules, lifetime.

Lecture 45
Mon, May 4, 1998
Odds and ends, finish up hydrogen radiation, and selection rules. Questions for exam.

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