Please enter your name (Last, First): Please enter the last 6 digits of your student ID number: (Please enter carefully - if you get this wrong, we have no way to give you credit!)
Due date: Week of Sep 20-24 at the START of your recitation section
These questions should be submitted online AND you need to print out a copy to turn in to your TA. Thanks!
PRELAB QUESTIONS: (to be turned in upon arriving at lab)
1. Read the lab thoroughly.
2. Familiarize yourself with Course Lecture Notes for the start of Chapter 18
3. Thought experiment: Can you make a light bulb light using only a SINGLE light bulb, a SINGLE battery, and a SINGLE wire? If so, describe it in the space below or draw the diagram or picture by hand on the sheet you turn in.
4. Suppose you have a simple circuit with one ohmic resistor, one battery, and wires connecting them. You are given the value of the resistance (R), the current (I), and the voltage (V). Keep the resistance the same, but double the voltage.
How large is the current now?
I 2I I/2 4I I/4 (not answered)
5. Make a sketch which shows your best guess at what we might mean to "show two resistors in series" and make another sketch which shows what you think we mean by "two resistors in parallel". Draw the diagram by hand on the sheet you turn in.
Thanks for your time and efforts!
Optional! - below is a space for any additional relevant comments, thoughts, or suggestions you have. If you want to elaborate on any "multiple choice" questions, do so here. It can also be about anything you'd like to tell or ask relating in some way to this class! If you expect a reply, however, it's much better to email Dr. Pollock or Dr. DeWolfe.
When you are satisfied with your responses click the "Submit and Print" button. We thank you for taking the time to fill out this pretest.