Recipe for Success.

1. Take this course seriously, starting on the first day. That means scheduling study time everyday, starting today.

2. Read the chapter before the lecture. Read carefully, do not skim.

3. Read with a pen and notebook. Take notes while you read, and work out example problems.

4. Attend every lecture.

5. Don’t attempt the homework without studying the chapter first.

6. Don’t get isolated: Get in a study group. Go to the Help Room.

7. Start your CAPA assignments EARLY. If you wait till the last day, and you get stuck, you won’t have time to visit a TA.

8. Don’t fall behind; you’ll never catch up.

9. Just reading the text, attending lecture, and doing the homework is not enough. You have to understand the material. Test of understanding: If you can explain the material, in words, to someone else, without referring to the text, then you understand. This course is not about memorizing; it’s about understanding.