The Final exam is scheduled for Sat. Dec 15, 10:30AM - 1 PM.
NOTE: If your TA is Samik Dasgupta or Noah Podolefsky, you do NOT go to
Math 100 this time - you will go to Duane G1B20, our usual classroom!
If your TA is Brian Laughman, you will go to Duane G1B30, where you have
been going all semester long.
As always, it is essential you go to the right room.
It is your responsibility to make sure you have no conflicts with these
Exams are closed book, but you're allowed two 8.5"x11" crib sheets
for the final. You can write anything you want on your crib sheets,
both sides, but you must write it by hand: no xeroxing or typing. There
will not be any makeup exams. Persons absent for a serious and
unavoidable medical reason should contact Prof. Pollock as soon as
Students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities, please
let me know early in the semester (1st two weeks) so that your academic
needs may be appropriately met. You will need to provide documentation
of your disability to the Disability Services Office in Willard 322
(phone 303-492-8671)
You are allowed a calculator (programmable o.k., but please don't
program any formulas or equations in it! I will just have to trust you
on this)
When you arrive at the exam, please take the time to FOLLOW ALL
THE DIRECTIONS. Bubble in your name, ID, and the exam number. WRITE
your TA's name in the blank section at the bottom of the bubble sheet!
Sign your exam and circle your TA's name on the exam. These things are
all extremely important for keeping the exams organized, so we can
grade them quickly and get them back to you. Thanks for helping!
I suggest, for your own benefit, you circle the answers on the
exam as you go along, but the bubble sheet always takes priority. Be
careful not to mis-bubble!