Lab Info » Lab Manuals
Student Lab Guide and Expectations (Reading Required)
NOTE: Links below may be dead until the weekend just before the lab week starts.
But, let us know (steven.pollock or michael.calkins (at) if a link that you need is dead!!
Part of the prelab is always "read the lab before you come". Please do that, certainly the introduction page(s), so you are ready to get started when you arrive!
IMPORTANT: For all labs you must print out and read the lab, complete the prelab on paper ahead of time, and bring both to class with you!
Semester is over.
Please note! From the syllabus, " Remember, if you receive a zero on more than 1 lab, you fail the course! "
There are no exceptions allowed to this rule - A&S counts this course as satisfying a lab requirement, so we cannot pass you if you have missed more than one lab. We have had regular makeup opportunities to help people deal with illness, travel, etc, but in the end, you MUST make up missed labs. This is your personal responsibility. You cannot make up numerous missed labs in the last week!
Just to be clear, by "lab", we refer to weeks with actual lab activities (so in the chart above, lab 0, 4, 8, 12, and 15 are not included in this tally of missed labs. Of course, they are still required and count towards your grade, but missing them does not count towards the "only one lab can be missed" issue) In terms of grade we do drop one week (all weeks are worth the same) It is the SECOND missed lab that becomes a disaster.
If you are in this situation- if you have missed MORE than one of the actual labs, you have not yet made it up - you should contact your TA immediately so that you can make it up this week. If you do not, and you appeal to us at the end of this week (after Apr 28) , we will be extremely sympathetic but there will be nothing we can do, you will have failed Physics 2020 no matter WHAT your scores on exams and homeworks, and you will have to retake the entire class. Handle it NOW.