Exam 3 Topics
(incomplete but based on notes, HW, etc)

these topics will span most everything on the exam, but you will be repsonsible for materials earlier in the course that we are using in this section, and will be responsible for those topics covered in the HW and the lecture notes in particular.
A good strategy is to Review the Concept Tests from Lecture, and the HW questions and solutions (esp. on interpretation / readings)

Know what PSI(x,t) represents, and how it relates to probability of measuring:
- position
- energy

How and when does PSI(x,t) depend on time? (relate to psi(x) for V(x) only)

Use super-position principle to identify when there is time dependence and when there isn't for position and energy measurements.

- Read electron energy levels and potential energy levels to interpret tunneling on energy plots, and relatively likelihood of tunneling.
-Apply energy level plots to interpret KE, and E_total before and after tunneling.
- Calculate tunneling probability for a given situation (given E, V and mass of electron)
- Predict what impacts tunneling probability (e.g. E,V, distance, etc...)
- How does STM work and what are energy levels associated with an STM?

Apply a working model of Hydrogen atom:
- draw a potential energy plot
- draw orbital shapes and radial distribution for varying n
- calculate various energies for a given quantum number n

Be able to state the differences between Bohr's atomic hydrogen model and Schrodinger's
Describe what quantum number n,l, m are and how they impact energy and wave functions.
Describe in detail the Schroding model of the H-atom, what does the wave function represent? what are the oribitals? what are the energy levels?

Multi-Electron Atoms:
- Describe how multi-electron energy levels change compare to H-atom.
-How to the energy levels change for multi-electron atoms?
- Describe using QM principles, why different elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar chemical properties

molecular bonding--basic idea of how it occurs

QM of conductivity
- energy level structure of metals, insulators, semiconductors.
- doped semiconductors and P-N junctions.
- Light emitting diodes.

QM of nuclear energy, weapons and processes:
_ QM tunneling, including as applied to alpha decay. Factors that determine tunneling probability.
- What is fision? fusion? a chain reaction?
- what's the difference between U235 and U238? how does this change PE diagrams? fission probabilty?

You will not be responsible for Cosmology