Physics 2130


Pace of class..

Hi folks.. seems good.. though I understand that this week is just the beginning …as the semester progresses we will help things settle out.

I thought the pace was just right for this material but I also have had previous experience with it. I don't know if you are going to proceed at this pace or if you are accounting for the type of content when you decide how quickly to advance. It might be a bit challenging to keep up if this pace were maintained during material that is entirely foreign to me.

Good to hear.. keep me posted!!!

On the staff, approach and the class:

I love the energy of the staff in this class!

I enjoy the energy that the professor brings to the class.

So far I really appreciate the organization and thoughtfulness of the lectures and course structure.  The professor seems very excited about teaching and that is great.  I can't wait to get started on this stuff.

Thanks for the positive feedback.. very helpful to hear .. and we are here for you… and we’re responding to your engagement.

It would be better for understanding if the professor could speak more slowly.

Thanks for the feedback… let me know .. I will slow down for newer material but always feel free to stop me in lecture (and to come to help room and office hours)

Keep doing lots of experiments in lecture, please.

We will.. though often this will be simulation because confining a nuclear chain reaction is tough…

Looking forward to it! really enjoy your teaching style.

Nope just excited to learn.  I like the lighthartedness of the class so far.  It really goes a long way when it is from 5 to 6:15.

Hear hear!!

Sometimes you forget to give a candy to participants.  But in terms of first week, this is the best class so far.

WHAT???!!?!?!?   Let me know and you’ll get your candy with interest! Meanwhile all: always let me know about your candy

This is the first Clicker class I have ever taken, so I am not really sure what to expect

Okay .. hang in there… let us know how it is working out .. and rely on the others in class (or let us know).

On the materials:

I'm a little bit intimidated by the material for the time being, but I feel confident that I will be able to do well with the resources that are available. I am looking forward to a fun, informative, and productive semester!

Yep.. hang in there.. we’ve been going faster than we will when we hit QM, but it will be accessible --- and keep me honest about going at the right rate.


It would be very helpful if the slides can be numbered and available as "one per page" or "4 per page (horizontally)". This way slides can be read easier and more space is available for writing comments. With they way slides are offered now "6 slides per page", the font size is very small and there isn't enough space to make comments on for all 6 slides.

Good thinking… check the website.


5:00 pm is not an easy class time, especially since it's my last of 5 straight hours. Professor Finkelstein surprised me with his enthusiasm and somehow manages to keep an evening physics course upbeat and fun.

Hawaiian Shirts are sweet, gonna start repping mine now more

I think these might be coupled : ) … ya’ll will get to vote I think


So far, I really enjoy the teaching staff and the enthusiasm that the professor and TA's LA's bring to the course. I struggled in Physics 2 to understand the material; however, I think the teaching staff did a great job this past week communicating ideas and pushing students to truly understand the problem (not just know the answer), so I am excited for a good semester.

Yaaahooooooo… just what we think!

On HW:

Why is there a 3 day period between homework assignments? Homework is due on a tuesday at noon and the next assignment is not available until Thursday at 5. Why isn't the next assignment released as soon as the previous is turned in?

Just that I would rather have more time to work on hw during week instead of weekend. I would much prefer homework to be up by Tuesday night instead of Thursday. While I understand that it goes with the flow of the class, I have a part time job, research and am in my last semester of classes and would like to ability to work as far ahead as possible on each assignment so I don't get swamped.

Thank you .. we’ll discuss with the team and with you about when to release HWs.  The HW is designed to build on the Thurs lecture and you are given, Thurs- Tues to do this work – hoping to include both the weekend and weekdays to allow substantive work.

The homework this week seemed to introduce us to certain unfamiliar topics that we hadn't really discussed in class. (e.g. Diff. eqn.)

Yep… this will be the case – though not all that often... I will anticiate you learn new things outside of class, and we're here to help.

    I am excited to learn … about many of the modern applications of these concepts

Great to hear.