Physics 2140 - Notes for section 3

Prof. Steve Pollock (492-2495)

Brief notes for section 3 of the syllabus

"Vector Calcuus II: Div and Curl" (Sep 22 - Oct 18 or so)

I have decided to stop my experiment in putting lecture notes online. Although a few of you were extremely enthusiastic about having the notes on line, (and to you I apologize!) your number is only about 4 or 5 out of over 50 students. I can surely much more effectively spend my time in more 1-on-1 office hours, and more time preparing lectures, than typing lecture notes into the computer.

Feel free to contact me if you want to change my mind: large numbers of votes may persuade me to start again! Meanwhile, I will put very brief synopses of what was covered in each lecture here, but for complete notes you'll have to go to the library, or the board outside my office (Duane F-419)

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