Physics 2170, Spring '96 Homework #5

Issued Wed, Feb 14 Due Wed, Feb 21

Required reading: F+T Ch. 2 (Beiser Ch. 3.1-5)

Reminder: Evening exam, Thursday Feb 22, 7:30-9, in Muen E417

1) F+T 2.2

2a) F+T 2-5

b) Find the kinetic energy of an electron whose de Broglie wavelength is the same as that of a 350 keV x-ray.

3a) What are the phase and group velocities of the deBroglie waves of the electron in problem 2b?

Note: (If you cannot solve problem 2b, use a value of kinetic energy of the electron = 100 keV)

b) The phase velocity of ripples on a liquid surface is , where S is surface tension, is the density of the liquid, and is (as usual) the wavelength of the ripples. Find the group velocity of the ripples. (Express you answer in terms of the phase velocity)

4) F+T 2-6, a and c only