Exam information

As always - you can bring the "purple equation sheet", your plasma equation book, and at this point three sides of handwritten notes (written by you!)

The final will be cumulative - (look below to remind yourself of the material that was expected on earlier midterms.) There will also be new stuff since the last midterm, primarily magnetism. I would expect it to be roughly "half and half" . As always, anything from homeworks, reading, and lecture all term are fair game, but I try to focus on big topics for exam questions. Chapter 7 will not be on the final.

If you never noticed, the syllabus has detailed (course-level but also chapter by chapter) learning goals.

Chapter 5 : Magnetic fields

Ampere’s Law, vector potential, and Biot-Savart are the center of this chapter. Know how to find the vector potential, how to use it to find the B-field. Know about volume, surface, and line currents and current densities. There’s a triangle diagram somewhere…

Chapter 6: Magnetic fields in Matter:

Know about magnetic dipoles and magnetic moments, especially how to add them up to yield the magnetic moment per unit volume. Know about the B, M, and H fields, bound currents from M, and Ampere's Law for the H-field. Know about linear magnetic materials and magnetic permiability.


Older information, for reference:

Here is the histogram from Exam 2:

exam 2

Second midterm was Tuesday evening. Same basic structure as before.(see notes below)

The exam is going to center on Chapter 3 material (on electrostatic potentials in vacuum) and Chapter 4 material on static electric fields in matter. Since we have only had one homework on Chapter 4 material, I will "cut off" that material at (but including) chapter 4.4.1. So I *do* expect you to know the basics of the "D" field and linear dielectrics (the dielectric constant, and how it relates D, E, and P in a simple way).

Below, I have listed some of the high points that I think of as the core material. However, all of Chapter 3 - 4.4.1 and anything from homeworks and class are fair game!

Chapter 3: Poisson and Laplace equations:

Solving Laplace (in various coordinates) is the heart of the material. Know how to use the potential to find electric fields, and vice versa. This chapter included the method of images (do you understand the ideas behind this method?) the method of separation of variables (do you understand the method, so e.g. could you "separate variables" in a different coordinate system, or for a different differential equation?) and the approximation method known as the multipole expansion. (Do you know what the dipole moment is and how to find it? And what the potential looks like far away due to it?)

Chapter 4: E-fields in matter.

Know about electric dipoles and how to add them up via the polarization. In particular, you should be comfortable with the ideas of surface and volume bound charges, finding the D-field from known (simple, symmetric) free charge distributions, and how to relate the E-field to D and P for linear media. (i.e. know about relative dielectric constants) I will not give you a "nasty" boundary value problem with dielectrics like the examples in 4.4.2 (we'll save that for the next homework!) nor will I be asking about questions of energy or forces in dielectrics (4.4.3)

First midterm is Tuesday evening. (See below) Note the location, it is NOT our regular classroom!

Time and location

Material covered

Exam 1
Tu Feb 19, 7:15-9:15 PM

Ch. 1, 2, and 3.1 (with the obvious main emphasis on Chapter 2) All material from lecture, text, and homeworks 1-5 is fair game. Expect a mix of quantitative (homework-style) and qualitative problems. Explaining your work (BRIEFLY but clearly) will be highly valued!

 Exam 2
Tu Mar 18, 7:15-9:15 PM

Up through Ch. 3 and Ch 4 (including 4.4.1, that's the cutoff for the exam)

 Final exam
Tu May 6, 4:30 PM-7 PM
Probably back in our regular classroom?

Little more than half on new material (Chapter 5 -Ch 6) and other half cumulative.