We encourage you to work together in this class. That includes openly discussing the physics, helping one another to think about, and understand, the material. You may work on homework problems, and study for exams, together. In the end, however, all material that you turn in (homework, even clicker replies) must be your own. If you simply copy an answer from someone without understanding or thinking about it, that is well beyond "working together", and is not acceptable behavior. If you get a "mystery formula" from someone, and use it without understanding, that is again past the limit of acceptable collaboration. Try to understand the spirit of collaboration - we want you to learn and understand this material yourself. You are welcome to get plenty of help from others in that process, as long as, in the end, you represent your own understanding to us.

On exams, you are expected to work entirely by yourself. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about this - my goal is to create a climate of trust and respect in this classroom, so you can learn and benefit as much as possible, with everyone being treated (and evaluated) fairly and honestly.

-SJP and VG