Web participation assignment 1

Please type your name in the form: Last, First

NOTE!! Please type in your CU userid (that's the username you use to log in to CULearn.We do NOT want your password. It probably looks like your last name, perhaps with a few extra characters. Note that it is definitely NOT your numerical (9 digit) student ID!!
This script cannot "error check", you have to be sure you type it in correctly! Thanks

Please type your CU userid:

When you are satisfied with your response, you must click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page.

  1. Please tell me one specific physics question you are puzzling about in 3310 right now - it might be from the last class, or your most recent reading. (Try to be as specific as you can.)

    (Note that there will be a space for more comments below)

  2. How is the pace of 3310 for you, so far?
    Way too fast, please slow down!
    A little too fast for me, but I'm hanging on
    Just about right
    A little too slow for me, but I don't mind
    Way too slow, can't we pick it up?
    (prefer not to answer)

  3. How is the workload in 3310 for you, so far?
    Way too much work. Please ease it up!
    It's a bit much.
    Seems about right
    A little light, I could probably handle a little more without too much complaint.
    Not nearly enough - there should really be more work for us to do to help us learn this stuff.
    (prefer not to answer)

  4. How many hours are you spending outside of class on this course (homework, and reading)
    less than five
    more than 12
    not answered

  5. Please tell us at least one thing you like about Phys 3310 so far (that you hope will continue). I'm interested in knowing why!

  6. Please tell us one thing you would like to see changed in Phys 3310 that would improve your learning of the material? (Again, I'm interested in knowing the reasons why you would like to see this change)

    Thanks for your time.

Optional! - below is a space for any additional relevant comments, thoughts, or suggestions you have. If you want to elaborate on any "multiple choice" questions, do so here. It can also be about anything you'd like to tell or ask relating in some way to this class! If you expect a reply, however, it's much better to email Prof. Pollock

When you are satisfied with your responses click the SUBMIT button.
(To clear all the fields above, click the RESET button)