Physics 3330: Electronics for the Physical Sciences

Instructors: Heather Lewandowski, Kevin Stenson, James Thompson

Week 1-3 Highlights:

Important: Please note the schedule of assignments for the first few weeks.

Welcome to Physics 3330! There are lectures but no labs the first week. During your first lab (in the second week) you will be learning about electronic test equipment like oscilloscopes and signal generators. Don't be alarmed by the picture below, we have the latest color digital scopes in the 3330 lab. In the third week we will learn about DC measurements and bridge techniques.

Our first lecture will be on Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1:00-1:50 pm in Duane G-125. The labs in Duane G-230 start on Tuesday, Sept. 1st for the Tuesday section and Thursday, Sept. 3rd for the Thursday sections. Our text will be "The Art of Electronics" by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. Everything else you need for the course can be accessed through the links to the left. Read the Syllabus before the first lecture, and read Experiment #1 in the lab manual before your first lab.
Note: On August 31 at 1:15pm, Exp 1 was updated with a typo correction to one of the homework problems. Make sure you print out this latest version.

We also have a little reminder about writing lab reports

The famous Tektronix 545 oscilloscope from 1957 sported 30 MHz of vertical bandwidth and more than 100 vacuum tubes. It used a sophisticated six-stage balanced distributed amplifer. The apex of vacuum tube scope design was reached by about 1963 with the Tektronix 585A, offering 85 MHz bandwidth. For more about early scopes, look here, or check out the article by John Addis in the book "Analog Circuit Design - Art, Science, and Personalities" on our reading list.

I welcome your comments on the class and this website. Send them to Kevin Stenson