Project Presentations

Your final project presentation are one week from tomorrow. Below is some important information regarding the project presentations.

  1. Project presentations will be held in the same room as lab on Tuesday, December 8. Click here for the schedule.. Generally, Lewandowski's students will present from 9-11, Thompson's students from 11-2 with a 1 hour break for lunch, and Stenson's students from 2:30-4:30. You are encouraged to attend at least your own section's presentations and are welcome to all of the presentations. The times are subject to change so please be sure to show up well before your scheduled time and be prepared to stay later than your scheduled time. If you have any conflict with the schedule, please notify us immediately.
  2. The presentations are scheduled to last 10 minutes for an individual and 15 minutes for a pair. You should allow approximately two minutes of this time for questions. If you will be demonstrating your project, please make sure that everything is setup and ready to go before your presentation starts. The presentations should give an overview of the project, demonstrate a clear understanding of the circuit, point out challenges and difficulties, and, if appropriate, provide a demonstration of the project.
  3. The presentations should preferably be presented in Powerpoint but software which produces PDF is acceptable as well. If this poses a problem for you, please let us know immediately so we can work out a solution. We will have a laptop and projector available. The easiest and quickest way to transfer your presentation to the laptop is by having your presentation on a USB memory stick.
  4. If there are two people working on a project, the presentation should have approximately equal contributions from both. We reserve the right to give different scores to different students on the same project if it is clear that one student contributed much more than the other.

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