Notes Archives:

MidTerm Info:

Starting next week (11/10): your team will be making 5 minute presentations on your project. Powerpoint is optional, but may be helpful if you plan to share preliminary results or anything else that requires graphics.
The goal is to communicate:

    • A quick overview of your project.
    • What you did over the last week and what you learned from it.
    • What you plan to work on during the coming week.

MidTerm Info:

Good Job on the mid-term: Mean score: 80.7.
Distribution of scores posted here.


Tues Oct 28: (it should take about 60 min but we provide you 1.5 hrs)
12:20-1:50p: G125 (default seating)
1-2:30p: G1b31 (seminar, main floor)- only if you signed up, or with permission

Topics Covered: Analog only. Labs 1-8 (including theory in lab guides). Lectures A-M, and review (lecture notes from Oct 21).

Materials to bring: calculator (no phones/ computers), ruler/straight edge, 1 (one) single sided 8.5x 11 paper with formula, contstants etc., curiosity, dedication, and enthusiasm for electronics.

Project Phase Three: due Nov 3.

Project Phase Three: due Nov 3.


Project Phase Two: now extended to Oct 26.

Please be sure to be keeping up on all the deadlines, submitting all materielas, reviewing your marked work: prelabs , notebooks, and other submissions!

It's time to start thinking about projects.. find out more here.. see updated schedule. You have something due Week 8 already! (that's next week folks!)

Let us know if you have any questsions about class... lab notebooks writeups, etc...Note we have a new grader!!! (Skip who has been working with you all semester!).

Heads Up: MidTerm on Oct 28 in lecture section (plus 30 min).

Don't forget to re-register your clickers this semster!!

First laboratory sessions meet in Duane G-230 during the first week of classes, Aug 26 & 28. In the lecture we will introduce the course and begin discussing the theory behind the labs. In the lab session we will provide you with a laboratory notebook and conduct the first lab, which introduces the oscilloscope, waveform generators, power supplies, and and the electronics breadboards.


We're excited about the semester and looking forward to working with you.


Welcome to Phys 3330: Electronics for Physical Sciences!

Week 1, Lab: Electronic Instruments, Aug 26 & 28

Lectures will be in Duane G140 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00-1:50 pm. First laboratory sessions meet in Duane G-230 during the first week of classes,Aug 26 & 28. In the lecture we will introduce the course and begin discussing the theory behind the labs. In the lab session we will provide you with a laboratory notebook and conduct the first lab, which introduces the oscilloscope, waveform generators, power supplies, and and the electronics breadboards.

About Physics 3330

Electronics for the Physical Sciences provides students with an opportunity to learn about the design, construction, and operation of electronic circuits.

In the first 10 weeks of the course students conduct pre-designed experiments that cover important topics in analog (8-9 weeks) and digital (1-2 weeks) electronics. Before mid-semester, students begin to conceive of independent electronics projects. The projects take up the last 5 weeks of the course. Instructors will make every effort to support original and creative projects. At the end of the semester, students submit a project report and describe their projects to the class in an oral presentation.

More information is located on this website and the syllabus