Welcome to Phys 3330: Electronics for Physical Sciences!

Lectures are in Duane G125 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00-1:50 pm.
Labs are Tuesday by section in Duane G-230

About Physics 3330

Electronics for the Physical Sciences provides students with an opportunity to learn about the design, construction, and operation of electronic circuits.

In the first 10 weeks of the course students conduct pre-designed experiments that cover important topics in analog (8-9 weeks) and digital (1-2 weeks) electronics. Before mid-semester, students begin to conceive of independent electronics projects. The projects take up the last 5 weeks of the course. Instructors will make every effort to support original and creative projects. At the end of the semester, students submit a project report and describe their projects to the class in an oral presentation.

More information is located on this website and the syllabus