Project Presentation and Writeups

Presentations in the last week of class (50pts)

  1. Use a computer-based presentation program such as Powerpoint, Keynote etc.
  2. Quality of the presentation will be evaluated (distinct from details of project).
  3. Prepare in parallel with lab work (do not leave until last minute).
  4. Everybody on your team should contribute equally to the presentation.
  5. If possible, demonstrate your working project, or if impossible show a video of it working.
  6. Length: 15 minutes. This includes 3-5 minutes of Q&A as well as set-up time at the beginning.

More Details:
The most important thing when giving a talk is who the audience will be, a major aspect of that being their knowledge.  In this case, it is your fellow classmates.  The ideal presentation will be something that the other students will remember, understand, and even learn something from.

Here are some things to consider when designing your presentation:

  • Content
    • Defining the problem
    • Background
    • Talking through your
      • circuits
      • Models
      • Data with model
      • Outcomes / Findings
    • Demos
    • Possible next steps (if you had the time)
    • Conclusions
  • Style
    • Well spoken
    • Well visualized  (PPT or other computer presentation software)
    • Sharing presentation responsibilities (for joint projects)