Teaching and Learning Physics weekly schedule

Week 1: 8/25 & 8/27: Introduction to the field.

Tues 8/25: (class notes posted here): Introduction to course

1) Get a copy of the course text (Redish, "Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite")
(again, there is a free online version ).
2) Read Chapter 1 of Redish (Page 5-15 only) and comment on NB if you're up for it.
---- (This will be useful for week 1 / Tues and required for Week 2).

3) Please fill out the the background information sheet found here in DOC or PDF

4) (optional): Read the highlights from the TIMSS - Formerly the Third International Math Science Study (pick 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011) or
5) (optional) check out the general resources tab for the class.

Thurs 8/27 (class notes: part 1 and part 2)Introduction to PER I (overview of PER and failure of traditional instruction)

1) Mcdermott: How we teach... (note you'll need CU VPN for this....or avaialble and discussion on NB)
2) Pod Cast: Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool (listen to the podcast but comment on NB)
3) AJP Melzter Resource Letter (Skim) (on NB): AJP resource letter. (note you'll need CU VPN for this.. or use NB class site)
4) Grads: (only 1 required) Beichner Introduction to PER. (discussion on NB)
and/or: Docktor & Mestre: A Synthesis of Discipline-Based Education Research in Physics (on NB)

Follow the protocol listed on the course syllabus, please (summarizing these pieces):

Each week you are expected to write a paragraph summary of each paper/ reading, and to list out 3 questions, or points of interest that the paper/reading brought up. 

Please post your bullet points/questions/responsess to othersonline on the paper at NB- Monday / Wed 5p.
By Tues noon please respond to one other student point / quesetiuons.- Tuesday / Thurs noon.

Also, each week you are expected to write a paragraph summary of each paper/ reading, and to list out 3 questions, or points of interest that the paper brought up. These can be the same as posted on NB if helpful. . Bring these to class in hardcopy. (So that means, this week, ~3 paragraphs (one for each reading) and ~9 questions (3 for each reading)

Normally you'd be analyzing Curricula and or Physics 1 HW, but in lieu of that this week, this we ask you do the following:

Please come in with a written statement of your philosophy and approach to teaching (~ 1-2 paragraphs). Please turn in an electronic copy of this on D2L

Please take the brief Force and Motion Concept Evaluation (don't spend more than the 45min on this). You will get an email request from Qualtrics to take this online. This will be sent on Monday or Tues.

Make a (preliminary) decision
about your fieldwork for the semester. I'd like you to get started ASAP - if you plan on working in the Tutorials (recommended) you need to attend their weekly preparation meetings, which are going on this week. (If you're working somewhere else, we may need to make arrangements. Talk to me or email with any questions!). You will be asked to sign-up in class

(optional): check out the general resources tab for the class.