Teaching and Learning Physics weekly schedule

Week 10: 10/27 & 10/29: Workshop Final Project and PBI/ PET curricula

Tues 10/27: Workshopping your Projects.

By Sunday 7a: Upload your project to D2L (Final Project Folder). If you do not, we will share your

By Tues 7a: comment on the two other projects in your group (you will see groupings) on NB. If you want you can prepare for class by perusing this form.

By class: review comments on your project.

Thurs 10/29: notes Physics by Inquiry and Physics of Everyday Thinking.

Review of Intructor Guides/ Framing of Physics By Inquiry, Physics of Everyday Thinking, and Knight (a standard Phys 1110 text)..[all are on NB]

Writeup a 1 paragraph summary of the approaches each of these curriuclua. [submitted on D2L]
How do they align with what we know from class? Consider: our theories of learning, pedagogical practices, hidden curriculum, goals of learning, etc.. (1 paragraph for each of the three curricula is just fine)


In class we will be looking at curricular practices.. these will be posted on NB if you want a preview.

You will be responsible for thinking about these in class..

- how is the content same or different?

- how is the hidden curriculum embedded? What elements are or are not ?

- how do they enact theories of learning, pedagogical practices, hidden curriculum, goals of learning, etc..

Grads: optional paper on PET and CLASS results