Teaching and Learning Physics weekly schedule

Week 12: Nov 10-12: Experimentation in Physics, Labs and Modeling

Tues 11/10: Experiment in Physics

Provide a summary of at least one paper in each of the following categories .. the PERC papers are 4pp.
Grads: Do at least one Phys Rev reading .. if this is too much (yes it's a decent amount), feel free to read the PERCs instead.


all: Etkina and VanHeuvelin, Investigative Science Learning Environment – A Science Process Approach
to Learning Physics -- all to skim [summary]


  • undergrads: Zwickl PERC (2014):Making Models of Measurement Tools: Examples from Think-Aloud Student Interviews
  • grads: Zwickl Phys Rev (2015): Model-based reasoning in the physics laboratory: Framework and initial results


  • undergrads:Zwickl (2013): PERC paper: Development and results from a survey on students views of experiments in lab classes and research
  • grads: Zwickl (2014); Phys Rev: Epistemology and expectations survey about experimental physics: Development and initial results
  • Grads: Wilcox (2015): PERC: Correlating students’ beliefs about experimental physics with lab course success

TroubleShooting & Applications

  • all: Dounas-Frazer: PERC (2015): The role of modeling in troubleshooting: an example from electronics
  • optional: Lewandowski: Redesigning a junior-level electronics course to support engagement in scientific practices

Thurs 11/12: SCALE-UP & Trouble Shooting

Redish: TP; pp. 170 – 180 (chap 9) [summary]
(Skim) Beichner on SCALE-Up, NAS Commissioned paper 2013 (summary)