Teaching and Learning Physics weekly schedule

Week 9: 10/20 & 10/22: GOALS of physics education -- big picture

Tues 10/20: (notes) Reviewing Goals of (physics) education

Sanjoy Mahajan: PER: Or it’s so hard to find good help these days [reading summary]

Fish: Why we built the ivory tower [reading summary]

Larabee: Public Goods, Private Goods: The American Struggle Over Educational Goals
---- [Undergrads Skim for goals; Grads Read all] - - [reading summary]

Thurs 10/22: (notes) Alternative Models of education: Approaches to alternative goals

Rotational Motion

Benezet, The Teaching of Arithmetic: The Story of an experiment [reading summary]

Pursue the websites of some current schools which are based on the principles of democratic education and child centered education:

Summerhill (http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk/) and
Sudbury Valley (http://www.sudval.org/) are two of the oldest and best known.
There is also one right here in Boulder, New Vista High School. (http://schools.bvsd.org/p12/nvhs/Pages/NVHS.aspx)

Grads: Gray & Chanoff: Democratic Schooling