Teaching and Learning Physics
week 11 assignments

Tues 11/2: Gender and Race in Physics (or lack thereof?)

Claude Ste ele -on Stereo-type Thre at - paper

Schiebinger - hand out: copies are in my campus mailbox (1st floor Duane) only necessary to read Introduction & Chapter 9 math and science

Dancy - The Myth of Gender Neutrality. (optional - 4pg).

no summary necessary; 3 questions / points still due

Thurs 11/4: Magnetic Fields & Electric interaction - motors torques etc.

read/peruse the chapter / familiarize yourself with the content.
No summary is due.

i. Find evidence in this chapter of explicit or implicit references to gender or race.
ii. Find two problems that that specifically attend to gender or race. Identify in what ways (be sure to think about this in terms of the issues that Shiebinger, Steele, and Dancy raise). I strongly encourage you to dig deeper than a surface issue such as using a female character (though that's a start). [If this is an impossible task modify two problems and discuss how / why. If you are commited to the idea that gender / race do not play a role in the description, teaching, and practice of physics, feel free to spend this assignment describing why -- using evidence from the chapter, the readings, and example homework problems].