
Download All Course Materials

Here, you can download the entire course archive in a single zip file. The archive comes in two flavors: the first download contains all course materials concerned with lecture (i.e., lecture notes, concept tests, tutorials, etc.); the second download adds access to secure course materials (i.e., homework solutions, exams and solutions, and the end-of-semester conceptual inventory). Additionally, you may download the secure material separately.

Instructors and education researchers are free to use and adapt these materials for non-commercial purposes, according to the Creative Commons license below. We ask for your cooperation in not making any solutions you may create for the homework (and exam problems, clicker questions, etc…) available on the open web, out of respect for instructors and students at other institutions, and for maintaining the integrity of our research.

Are you using these materials? Please contact us if you plan to use all or part of these course materials for your own electrostatics course. If you have already used these materials, please fill out a short survey (~ 5 min.) about your experience. Your valuable feedback will help us understand where and how these materials are being used, and ways they might be improved.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Supported by the University of Colorado and NSF-CCLI Grant #1023028.