Physics Education Research at CU-Boulder


Concept Tests and Course Materials from CU Boulder

Below are some course materials used at CU Boulder. For the upper-division materials, we are actively engaged in education research, and these materials are fairly well organized, annotated, and updated. (See for more info.) For the lower-division, it's much more informal. At the start, many originally came from Eric Mazur at Harvard (googe his Peer Instruction book), and many more were created at CU by Michael Dubson. We now include contributions from other CU faculty. ( NOTE: Since many originated from Eric Mazur's book on "Peer Instruction", please seek appropriate permission if you want to use those in any public or commercial forum)

You might also want to see our STEMclickers resource page, part of the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiatives efforst to provide resources including written guides and short videos to help get in structors starting using Clickers and peer instruction in classrooms.

We are believers in the "open-source" model of educational materials - use what you need, as you like. We will be delighted if you can use any of these in your courses. If you modify/improve them (or find "bugs"), please return the favor by sending us improved materials, so we can keep these links up-to-date and constantly improving. Contact Steven.Pollock at
(And, please do reference original sources when it seems appropriate, especially when publishing!)


Many files below are raw (let us know if you find major issues) If you download and use these in your class we'd love to hear about it, send us a quick email.

Our upper division collections are also kept updated at .

The collections below are nearly complete, but we have removed some of the more sensitive materials (largely exams and solutions)

More complete collections (with solutions and exams) are here in our secure section. (For access to these more complete collections, please contact Steven.pollock at for a password)

Lower Division

Middle Division

Upper Division

NOTE: For more materials (including exams and solutions) contact Steven Pollock for a password, then click here

Some of this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1023028 and 0737118. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.