Assignment for Physics 1120, Fa 2007

Note: at all times, you can always find up-to-date summaries of lectures (including concept tests) here.

Week 15: Dec10- Dec 15, 2007

ONLINE PARTICIPATION: Last one of the term! Please go to this link. This one is run by the Physics Education Research group (not by me) - it's a survey to see if your attitudes and beliefs about learning physics have evolved over the course of the semester (so the questions may look familiar, just answer as you feel now!)

CAPA HOMEWORK: Here is the Capa link. (Solutions are posted afterwards, see the homework solution link ) You're working on #15 this week, it's the last one!

TUTORIAL HOMEWORK: None, we're all done with these!

PRETEST: None, we're all done with these!

(You can see older pretests here, for studying purposes)

See Daily class summary for day by day reading assignments.

If you need some help with homeworks, you might look here for some general ideas.

You can look back at old assignments pages here

Physics 1120 home page.