PHYSICS 1120 Fa07 Lecture Notes

Below, I will add my lecture notes as we move along - I'll try to stay ahead! These are "chatty" summaries following (closely, but not exactly!) the text and course. It's an alternative, but not a replacement, for your book! (Here and there I might refer to HRW, "Halliday Resnick and Walker", which is on reserve in the physics library - it's a lot like Knight. It's another place you might look for other viewpoints on the same topics! HRW has concept questions in the chapters too, and it's organized almost identically to Knight)

Let me know right away if you spot any serious typos in my notes! Thanks!
(If you find anything, please email me, steven.pollock at

Coulomb's law (Chapter 25)
Electric fields (Chapter 26)
Gauss' Law (chapter 27)

Voltage and Capacitors (Ch 29 and 30 combined)

Current (Ch 28)
Circuits (Ch 31)
Magnetic field (Ch 32)
Induction (Ch 33)

Look here for files named 32-1.gif up to 32-8.gif
for more notes on inductors

AC and transformers (CH 33 and 35)
Electromagnetic waves (Ch 34 and 20)

Also - look here for powerpoint lecture notes for Monday Nov 26
And here for powerpoint lecture notes for Wed Nov 28
And here for powerpoint lecture notes for Fri Nov 30
And here for powerpoint lecture notes for Mon Dec 3
And here for powerpoint lecture notes for Wed Dec 5
And here for powerpoint lecture notes for Fri Dec 7

If you'd like to see another (excellent, and briefer!) set of lecture notes (from Prof Dubson when he taught 1120), please visit here.

Or, here is a link to yet another set of my lecture notes from a phys 2020 course . These cover the same material at a slightly simpler level. If you're having trouble with the book and lectures, these could be good review/backup notes. (The chapter numbers again aren't right, it's another text, but the material is ordered roughly the same)