Physics 1120 Spring 2012

Calculus-based Introductory Physics II
(Electricity and Magnetism)

Professor Heather Lewandowski (Lecturer)
Professor Alysia Marino (Course coordinator – recitations, HWs, etc.)


Final exam scores are on D2L. The average was a 75 with a standard deivation of 15.

Course Letter Grades are posted on D2L.

Have a great summer!

Weekly Calendar

CAPA Set 15 is due on Friday May 4th at 10 PM. Only questions 1-5 are required. The rest are optional review problems.

Capa Solutions are at Desire2Learn

If you can't find your CAPA HW printout, use the CAPA PIN Getter to to access your assignment online.

Online Pre-Lectures are assigned each week. They are always due at 9 AM, before lecture. See the schedule on the SmartPhysics webiste.

Info about obtaining an access card can be found here.

There are no more pre-lectures due.

The next Tutorial HW ("Electromagnetic Waves", HW133-134, skip question 3 on pg 134) is due at the start of your assigned tutorial on May 1st.
Tutorial FAQ

The daily reading assignments are given in the Weekly Calendar page. Weekly summary lecture notes will be posted on Desire2Learn.


Course Information


Physics Help Room Hours

(Please go to Help Room hours staffed by an 1120 Instructor, TA, or LA)

Tutorial Information

(Times, Locations, TAs and LAs)
Tutorial FAQ

Pre-Lecture Information

Exam info

Final Exam

The mean was a 75 with a standard deviation of 15.

Exam 3:

The median was a 75. The average was a 72, with a standard deviation of 16.

Exam 2:

The median was aa 77. The average was a 76, with a standard deviation of 15.

Exam 1:

The average was a 74.5% (with a standard deviation of 16%) and the median score was a 77.

Here is some advice for those who are concerned about their Exam 1 scores.

Old exams will be available at Desire2Learn


Course Help and Tutors

Prof. Lewandowski's Office Hours:
Mondays from 3:30-5:00 PM in Room X-435 on the 4th floor of the new X-Wing of Duane
or at other times by appointment.

Prof. Marino's Office Hours:
Wednesdays from 2:00-3:30 PM in Gamow Tower Room F-419
or at other times by appointment.

Physics Help Room. You will be more likely to get a significant amount of time with a TA or LA if you go early in the week (away from CAPA due dates!)

Tutor-for-hire list For this you need to use a University IP, or login via the CU-VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Student Academic Services

Interactive Physics simulations

Some suggested guidelines about how to e-mail your professor.

email: Professor Heather Lewandowski or Professor Alysia Marino

Go to the Physics Department's home page.
Go to the University of Colorado at Boulder home page.