Exams and Grades
- Detailed course grade information is available here
- After exach midterm, we will post information here about how the class did. (Solutions will be posted on our CULearn page.)
Course grades are now up on CULearn. We will submit these to the University on Friday. We obviously cannot change grades for any reason except documentable errors on our part. (So, if some component of your grade has been mis-calculated, obviously let us know ASAP. But, if you simply want us to change your letter grade without challenging your total course score, I'm afraid that's not possible, sorry!)
For more information about how grades are computed, please see the detailed course grade info page available here (which has been posted all term)
The above histogram shows the distribution of total course scores. The average grade in the class was 84%, (which is just above the B/B- boundary, or a 2.87/4 on the four point scale) Note: One third of the class got A's (or A-'s), great work! Two-thirds of the class got A's or B's.
Final exam info: Grades are up on CULearn
Here is a histogram of the final exam scores. I show it as a score out of 24 (there were 25 questions, but we dropped one for everyone. You couldn't get better than a 100% on it!)
The average score on the final was 80.2%. The median was 83% (half did better than this) The standard deviation was 15%. This is a very high final exam score, good job to everyone!
Older exam3 info: Grades are up on CULearn.
Here is a histogram of Exam 3 scores:
- The average on the exam was 74%. This is a great result, a *very* high average for this material. (It did help that we dropped one MC question for everyone - had we not done that, the average would have been 69.9%)
- The median score was 74%. That means half the class did better than this!
- The "standard deviation" is 18. We don't assign letter grades to exams, Only your total combined course score matters for your final grade!
- 25% of the class scored above 89% on the exam, nice job!
Half the class scored above 74% on the exam. - The average on the multiple choice section was 9.3 questions (out of 13, but we dropped one, so effectively this is out of 12) correct. (If you got either 12 or 13 correct, your score for the MC section is 100%.)
- The average on the 3 written questions were 11.9/16, 11.7/16, and 8.6/16, for a total of 32.1/48 points. (Note that the 48 points became 30% of the total exam grade, as stated on the front of the exam)
- If you are unhappy with your score, hang in there! There is no universal answer, but we have some advice that might help you. Also note the "I need help" link at the left side of all our course pages. After reading these, if you'd like to come see Prof. DeWolfe or Prof Pollock, check out the "Help Room hours" link, or the "contacts" link, or just email us, or visit before/after class.
OLDER EXAM 2 info:
Grades were posted on CULearn after the midterm. We don't assign letter grades to exams, because letter grade includes everything in the class, including homeworks and labs. We will post both your exam score AND your "estimated course score so far", which will include CAPA (1-8), Labs and prelabs (1-6), Written HW (1-4), and clickers (for extra credit). We will weight the midterm by what all exams together will count at the end of the term (see grade info at the link above) so this is our best early estimate of the score that determines your course grade.
Here is a histogram of Exam 2 scores:
- The average on the exam was 77%. This is a great result, a *very* high average for this material. (It did help a lot that we dropped one MC question for everyone - had we not done that, the average would have been 73%)
- The median score was 80%. That means half the class did better than this!
- The "standard deviation" is 18. We don't assign letter grades to exams, Only your total combined course score matters for your final grade!
- 30% of the class scored above 89% on the exam, nice job!
Half the class scored above 80% on the exam. - The average on the multiple choice section was 9.6 questions (out of 13, but we dropped one, so effectively this is out of 12) correct. (If you got either 12 or 13 correct, your score for the MC section is 100%.)
- The average on the 3 written questions were 7.5/12, 9.2/12, and 8.8/12, for a total of 25.5/36 points. (Note that the 36 points became 30% of the total exam grade)
- If you are unhappy with your score, don't panic! There is no universal answer, but we have some advice that might help you. Also note the "I need help" link at the left side of all our course pages. After reading these, if you'd like to come ee Prof. DeWolfe or Prof Pollock, check out the "Help Room hours" link, or the "contacts" link, or just email us, or visit before/after class.
Old Exam 1 stuff:
Here is a histogram of Exam1 scores:
- The average on the exam was 73 (out of 105 max points). We are very pleased with this result - we felt it was a hard test, and the class as a whole did just fine.
- The "standard deviation" is 16. We don't assign letter grades to exams, Only your total combined course score matters for your final grade!
- 20% of the class scored above 87 (out of 105) on the exam, nice job!
Half the class scored above 73 on the exam. - The average on the multiple choice section was 8.4 questions out of 12 correct.
- The average on the written section was 22.4/33 possible points. All 3 pages were (roughly) equally hard for the class, and the percent correct was very similar to the MC section as well.
- If you are unhappy with your score, don't panic! There is no universal answer, but we have some advice that might help you. Also note the "I need help" link at the left side of all our course pages. After reading these, if you'd like to come ee Prof. DeWolfe or Prof Pollock, check out the "Help Room hours" link, or the "contacts" link, or just email us, or visit before/after class.
General information:
- MidTerm 1: Tuesday, Sep 21, 7:30 - 9:15 pm, room G1B30
- MidTerm 2: Tuesday, Oct 19, 7:30 - 9:15 pm, location G1B30
- MidTerm 3: Tuesday, Nov 16, 7:30 - 9:15 pm, location G1B30
- Final: Tuesday, Dec 14, 7:30-10 PM, location G1B20 (our classroom)
The grade weighting will be as follows:
- 3 Midterms (each): 12%
- Final exam: 24%
- Lab: 15%
- CAPA: 15%
- Written homework: 10%
If you miss more than 2 labs, or the final, you can't receive a passing grade!
We will use iClickers during lectures, to help you learn the material. Your iClicker responses count only as bonus (extra credit) points: they REDUCE exam weight by up to a max of 14% of midterm exam total (i.e. 5% of your course grade).
Detailed course grade information is available here
For further information, please see the Syllabus.