Physics 2020: Fall '10

General Physics 2 (Electricity & Magnetism, and Optics)

MWF 11:00-11:50 Duane G1B20 (Section 100)

Magnetic levitation of a magnet over a super conductor. You can magnetically "levitate" materials you might not think of as a magnet, like a strawberry, or even a frog (!)


Older class announcements can be found here, in our course webpage #1, and #2  



Prof. Steven Pollock (Lectures)

Office: Duane F-1013
Phone: (303) 492-2495
Email: steven.pollock(at)
Office hours (tentative):

M, F after class, then I will move to the help room until 1 PM
W after class,(around 12:15 or so) for administrative issues in my office.
Or by appointment/email any time.

Prof. Oliver DeWolfe (Labs)

Office: Duane F-327
Phone: (303) 492-3272
Email: oliver.dewolfe(at)
Office hours (tentative):

M, Th 10-11 in the HelpRoom
W 10-11 (for administrative issues) in office.
Or by appointment/email any time.