What law of physics do the images above represent (in units, anyway)?
(Answer is here)
- There is an (extra credit) online midterm survey .
Please fill it out, your opinions and ideas help make this a better class for everyone. Thanks! - Prof. McElroy will have extra office hours to discuss Exam 1 on Monday (Oct 8th) 2-5pm or by appointment, just email.
- CAPA #7: Due Wed Oct 10 night, as usual.
- There is a weekly optional study session run by Ariel Paul, every Tues at 8 PM, in G125 (1 floor up from our class)
- REGISTER TO VOTE in the upcoming elections at STUDENTVOTE.ORG!
Deadline is Oct 9 (If you don't vote, you can't complain about the government!) The best way to get political leaders to pay attention to you is to register and vote this November. The COPIRG New Voters Project is a non-partisan effort to make sure every student at CU Boulder gets a chance to do just that. You can register to vote online by going to StudentVote.org and following the instructions.
Alternatively, you can go directly to the Colorado state gov't website (which has more voter information as well as registration information) at http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/vote/VoterHome.html
Earlier homepage and announcements can be found here: week #1, week #2/3 , week 4 , weeks 5/6