Exam 3 Info

Time /Place:
May 5, 7;30p G1b20, during same time as final
---- Accomodations 6:30 p G1b31

Format of exam:
~ 3/5 multiple choice,
~ 2/5 long answer
----there will be 2 long answer questions (one mandatory and one selected from two)
1 hours long.

calculator and
ONE 3x5 note card with whatever you want to write down (both sides)

Exam will have constants provided, but NOT formulas [though we will have general shrodinger eqn for you]

Don’t stress: Remember: Lowest exam score can be dropped (see syllabus)

What to review?
Everything ; ) ... see the topics list especially
HW, lecture notes, ConcepTests, reading quizzes, reading (yes in that order).

This is not particularly about memorizing, but sense making.
This will be mostly conceptual with some amount of calculation.
Need to know why we believe things and how to make inferences from observations. See here for suggestions about studying

here are some practice questions that may help you review/ prepare. Note they do not span the list of topics!!