Physics 3310, Electromagnetism

Instructors: Steven Pollock, Stephanie Chasteen, and Darren Tarshis


Jean-Baptiste Biot and Felix Savart (above) collaborated on developing a force law for magnetic fields. The Biot-Savart Law is the magnetic equivalent of Coulomb's Law. It's still an inverse square law, but is rather more complicated in its vector nature. We'll study the Biot-Savart Law this week.

Week 10 (Mar 17-Mar 21):

We are moving on to discuss time independent magnetic fields. Magnetic fields cause forces on moving charged objects via the Lorentz Force. We will concentrate primarily on how to calculate B-fields from given current distributions. (Oh, and of course, magnets are fun!)

Special notes:

I welcome your comments on the class and this website. Send them to steven.pollock at
(Thanks to Prof. Chuck Rogers for many of our home page image ideas!)
Old home pages this term: Week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9