Teaching and Learning Physics weekly schedule

Week 3: 9/8 & 9/10: Context, Constructivism, Social Learning and JiTT and ILDs

Tues 9/8: Class notes: Contructivism & Situated Knowledge

Redish TP: Chap 2 29-45; (or to end of chapt 2) [reading summary]

Brown, Collins, Duguid: Situated Cogntion [reading summary]

grads: Sfard On Two Metaphors. [reading summary]

optional Grads: Papert.

optional Finkelstein: context in the context ..

Thurs 9/10 (class notes ): 2D Kinematics, ILDs and JiTT

Vectors, & 2-D kinematics- Dubson Ch 3 or Knight: 3 parts of Chap 6
Read Knight Five Easy Lesson page 81-94 (on NB). [reading summary]

Redish Ch. 7 skim pg 124-134, read pg. 134-141 [reading summary]
Browse http://jittdl.physics.iupui.edu/jitt/
Browse http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/ILD.htm


Make a FINAL decision
about your fieldwork for the semester. I'd like you to get started ASAP - if you plan on working in the Tutorials (recommended) you need to attend their weekly preparation meetings, which are going on this week. (If you're working somewhere else, we may need to make arrangements. Talk to me or email with any questions!). You will be asked to sign-up in class