Teaching and Learning Physics
week 3 assignments

Tues 9/9: (lecture notes day 5)

McDermott Studies (Undergrads one of following, grads 2 of following):

D. E. Trowbridge and L. C. McDermott ‘Investigation of student understanding of the concept of velocity in one dimension,’’, Am. J. Phys. 48, 1020 – 1028, 1980

D. E. Trowbridge and L. C. McDermott “Investigation of student understanding of the concept of acceleration in one dimension, Am. J. Phys. 49, 242 – 253, 1981.

L. C. McDermott, M. L. Rosenquist, and E. H. van Zee, ‘Student difficulties in connecting graphs and physics: Examples from kinematics,’’ Am. J. Phys. 55, 503 – 513, 1987

Mazur, Peer Instruction Chapter 2

Redish: TP: pp 115–123; 146-152 (This is Chapter 6 on "Effective Teaching Methods", and then zooming in on the section on Tutorials)

(Once again - write up a brief summary and 3 questions for each, designed for group discussion on Tuesday).
Post your 3 comments / questions per reading on the CU Learn(Monday 5p) and respond to at least one other student comment (Tues noon)


Thurs 9/11: (lecture notes day 6)

Read the next chapter of your text on 2-D kinematics and vectors (Knight: chap 3 and parts of Chap 6)

Then pick any two problems from CAPA, and follow our protocol for each problem as you did last week.

Do some brainstorming about a TOPIC for a final project... you will not be forced to do this but I would like you to have 1 or more ideas written down for class (turned in) on Thurs.