Info for Final Exam:

When / Where: May 5, 7:30p, G1B20 Duane Physics
---- Accomodations 6:30 p G1b31

Bring: 4 3x5 cards full of information!
Also calculator and pencils.

Coverage: Final is cumulative. See Topics list from Midterm 1, Midterm 2, and Midterm 3, and overall summary in lecture review notes for class#30

Exam will have constants provided, and some basic formulas [ we will have general shrodinger eqn for you]- see sample coversheet

Format: Multiple choice; 1 cool, easy long answer response
There will be 30-40 M/C questions that resemble the style of prior midterms.

Best way to study: Review HW, lecture notes, prior & practice midterms. See study tips
This is not particularly about memorizing, but sense making.
This will be mostly conceptual with some amount of calculation.
Need to know why we believe things and how to make inferences from observations.

Can you explain reasoning for answers to others?
What if you change something, what would happen?