Physics 3310, Electromagnetism

Instructors: Steven Pollock, Stephanie Chasteen, and Darren Tarshis

In a sense, the heros of the semester (even though we haven't directly studied their contributions much, yet!), Michael Faraday (left) and James Clerk Maxwell (right). (Notice these are photos rather than paintings. It's almost like they were real people!) Their work was primarily in the early/mid 1800's, paving the way to radio, microwaves, lasers, etc.

Week 15 (Apr 28 - May 2):

Wrapping up the term! We will touch on Chapter 7 this week, trying to get a sense of what the time-dependent terms (Faraday's and Maxwell's contributions) tell us about electromagnetics.

Special notes:

I welcome your comments on the class and this website. Send them to steven.pollock at
(Thanks to Prof. Chuck Rogers for many of our home page image ideas!)
Old home pages this term: Week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14