Teaching and Learning Physics
week 12 assignments

Tues 11/11: Labs, Problem Solving and Metacognition - Day 21

Etkina et al, Spending Time On Design: Does It Hurt Physics Learning? , PERC 2007. (4pp)
Karelina et al,Design And Non-design Labs: Does Transfer Occur? PERC 2007(4pp)
Ruibal-Villasenor, et al, From Physics to Biology: Helping Students Attain All-Terrain Knowledge, PERC 2007 (4pp)

Grad Students: Cooper et al, "Reliable multi method assessment of metacognition use in chemistry problem solving" J Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2008, 9 18–24

Only questions / observations required.

Thurs 11/13: Rotational Motion: Thinking about Labs - Day 22

Familiarize yourself with the chapter on Rotational Motion
Analyzing / Designing Labs:
i) compare the two versions of the same lab at Rutgers: version 1 and version 2. Note 3 points of difference around common areas of investigation.
ii) sketch out (outline form, or writing on the exsisting document not thoroughly change) a lab on rotational motion to employ some of these desing prinicples and goals. you may modify the 2010 lab that we run here, or take a lab from your favorite course.


After Thanksgiving, fieldnotes will become optional - if you are still getting value from that activity, by all means please continue. Also, if you started a little late, are missing notes, or did not feel like you were making sense of (or use of) your fieldnotes for several weeks, then again please continue!