Physics 3330: Electronics for the Physical Sciences

Instructors: Heather Lewandowski, Kevin Stenson, James Thompson

Your progress report (one per student) are due by 5pm the day after lab (11/18 or 11/20) in your instructor's mailbox. The report should be at least one page and should detail what progress has been made, any important difficulties encountered, plans to address these difficulties, and a summary of what remains.

Microcontrollers are little programmable computers that can provide the brains for just about anything. The keyboard and mouse you used to get to this web page each have a microcontroller inside. There are dozens of them in every automobile. All those little keypads on washing machines, dishwashers, and electronic bidets use microcontrollers. And when Ed and Bob wanted to build a really big model rocket, they used a microcontroller to make sure the parachute would deploy at the right moment. Check this link to learn more about model rocket electronics. Or how about something quieter, like a MIDI controlled xylophone?

Week 9-11 Highlights:

1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-10.

I welcome your comments on the class and this website. Send them to Kevin Stenson