Physics 3310, Electromagnetism

Instructor: Steven Pollock



(You call that a capacitor? Now THIS is a capacitor!) A commercially available capacitor: 2.7 volts, 3000 Farads. Making "ultracapacitors" like this requires going beyond just a simple old-fashioned "thin film dielectric" like we're talking about in class this week ... Using the formula C = ε r ε0 A/d, even with d as small as 1 nm (how much closer could 2 plates ever get?) and a rather spectacular dielectric constant of, say, 100, you'd still need to squeeze an effective plate area of far more than a football field, all rolled up to fit into this little battery-sized container!)

Week 9 (Mar 11-Mar 15):

We're continuing with Chapter 4 this week, studying electric fields in matter - "dielectrics".

Special notes:

I welcome your comments on the class and this website. Send them to steven.pollock at
(Thanks to Prof. Chuck Rogers for many of our home page image ideas!)