In-class questions

I will post concepttest questions here as we go along - stay tuned.

I will try to post clicker questions here (in pdf format) in advance. As the term goes on, I may fix these up and add more questions - I'm developing clicker questions as we go along, so I can't be too far ahead! Let me know if you find typos or problems.

Many of these are extras, which we won't get to in class. Give them a try, feel free to ask if you don't know how to solve some of them. Note that the files below are generally DRAFTS, I often fix them up for class but these files won't change so often. I'll try to update from time to time.

Here are a bunch of Chapter 1 CTs

Here are a bunch of Chapter 2 CTs, updated 2/11 (this is a significantly updated final version!)

Here are a bunch of Chapter 3 CTs, updated 3/02 (this is a significantly updated final version!)

Here are a bunch of Chapter 4 CTs, updated 3/12 (this is a significantly updated final version!)

Here are a bunch of Chapter 5 CTs, updated 4/13 (this is a significantly updated final version!)

Here are a bunch of Chapter 6 CTs, updated 4/30 (this is a significantly updated final version!)

Here are a couple of Chapter 7 CTs, updated 5/02 (this is the final version, we didn't really focus on the chapter much, just some "term wrapup" ideas)

To look at concept test results (with the histograms, and the correct answers indicated!), go to the link below, and look for the lecture number you're interested in (e.g. "SessionSummary_1.html" will contain data from lecture #1, and so on.)

Note that sometimes the popup "counter" obscures part of the image in the CT results below. I guess you can always see the original concept test in the pdf files above. The file below DOES indicate what the correct answer is but I generally don't write out the explanation, please ask if you've confused about that, though, since that's the most important part of all.

CT results are all here (available some time after class)

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